Creativity and emotion at the Imagine Event in San Francisco

On July 29 the final event of Imagine’s Creativity Center 2014 program took place at the Children’s Creativity Museum Theater in San Francisco.
The stars of the event were the imagine dreamers and the Imagine staff and the Emcee was once again for third consecutive year Javier ideami.

The theater was full and the event was fun and entertaining, combining stunning videos with the 4 incredible projects by the imagine dreamers and the final part of the event with the graduation diplomas,  the group photos and a very special surprise brought by CookBooth the technology application cofounded by Victor Fortunado and Malwine Steinbock.

This last part of the event was specially fun combining spontaneous jokes by ideami as the Emcee and the emotional moments of seeing the dreamers and the imagine staff coming together.
Finally the celebration reached its climax with the amazing yellow giant cake created by the wizards of CookBooth
